^ The average commercial electricity rate in Baldwin, WI is 9.03¢/kWh.[1]
Residential Electricity in Baldwin
^ The average residential electricity rate in Baldwin, WI is 11.64¢/kWh.[1]
Industrial Electricity in Baldwin
^ The average industrial electricity rate in Baldwin, WI is 6.94¢/kWh.[1]
Baldwin, WI Electricity Statistics
Commercial electricity rates in Baldwin
Commercial Electricity in Baldwin
The average commercial electricity rate in Baldwin is 9.03¢/kWh.[1]
This average (commercial) electricity rate in Baldwin is
14.08% less than the Wisconsin average rate of 10.51¢/kWh.[2]
The average (commercial) electricity rate in Baldwin is
10.51% less than the national average rate of 10.09¢/kWh. Commercial rates in the U.S. range from 6.86¢/kWh to 34.88¢/kWh.[2]
Residential electricity rates in Baldwin
Residential Electricity in Baldwin
The average residential electricity rate in Baldwin is 11.64¢/kWh.[1]
This average (residential) electricity rate in Baldwin is
11.75% less than the Wisconsin average rate of 13.19¢/kWh.[2]
The average (residential) electricity rate in Baldwin is
2.02% less than the national average rate of 11.88¢/kWh. Residential rates in the U.S. range from 8.37¢/kWh to 37.34¢/kWh.[2]
Industrial electricity rates in Baldwin
Industrial Electricity in Baldwin
The average industrial electricity rate in Baldwin is 6.94¢/kWh.[1]
This average (industrial) electricity rate in Baldwin is
5.45% less than the Wisconsin average rate of 7.34¢/kWh.[2]
The average (industrial) electricity rate in Baldwin is
4.05% greater than the national average rate of 6.67¢/kWh. Industrial rates in the U.S. range from 4.13¢/kWh to 30.82¢/kWh.[2]
The average commercial electricity rate in Wisconsin is 10.51¢/kWh, which ranks 15th in the nation and is
4.16% greater than the national average rate of 10.09¢/kWh.[3]
Commercial electricity consumption in Wisconsin averages 5,663 kWh/month, which ranks 26th in the nation and is
9.22% less than the national average of 6,238 kWh/month.
The average monthly commercial electricity bill in Wisconsin is $595, which ranks 19th in the nation and is
5.41% less than the national average of $629.
The average residential electricity rate in Wisconsin is 13.19¢/kWh, which ranks 14th in the nation and is
11.03% greater than the national average rate of 11.88¢/kWh.
Residential electricity consumption in Wisconsin averages 703 kWh/month, which ranks 39th in the nation and is
22.15% less than the national average of 903 kWh/month.
The average monthly residential electricity bill in Wisconsin is $93, which ranks 38th in the nation and is
13.08% less than the national average of $107 per month.
The average industrial electricity rate in Wisconsin is 7.34¢/kWh, which ranks 15th in the nation and is
10.04% greater than the national average rate of 6.67¢/kWh.
Industrial electricity consumption in Wisconsin averages 429,442 kWh/month, which ranks 8th in the nation and is
282.89% greater than the national average of 112,158 kWh/month.
The average monthly industrial electricity bill in Wisconsin is $31,542, which ranks 7th in the nation and is
321.52% greater than the national average of $7,483.
Household income: The city of Baldwin has a median household income of $67,819, versus $62,843 for the U.S.[4]
Compared to the U.S.: Median household income in Baldwin is approximately 8 percent greater than the median income for the entire United States.[4]
Poverty level: Approximately 1.8 percent of Baldwin households have incomes below poverty level.[4]
Electric bills: The average residential electricity bill in Wisconsin is about $93/month, ranking 38th in the U.S. and
13.08% less than the national average of $107.[5]
Baldwin is a village located in Saint Croix County in the state of Wisconsin, and has a population of approximately 3,957.[6]
More about Baldwin utilities
For more information about Baldwin electricity, or for additional resources regarding electricity & utilities in your state, visit the Energy Information Administration.
Did you know?
The world’s largest source for producing electricity is coal. Coal generates nearly half of the electricity in the U.S.